『naranara03EXTRA』 is now ready !!
『naranara03EXTRA 』が発行されました。

kitora 1


‘naranara03 EXTRA – Learning to Understand and Appreciate the Kitora Burial Mound’ is a special edition introducing the Kitora burial mound, a large tomb or tumulus, constructed during a period stretching between end-7th and early 8th centuries, in Asuka village in Nara Prefecture. Discovered by local villagers, the burial mound is over 1,300 years old. The most important site remains include, on the roof of the stone chamber in the burial mound, the oldest existing celestial chart in the world, four mythical creatures, said to provide protection from the four directions – east, west, south, and north – and the twelve zodiac signs featuring animal heads and human bodies. These, together with the colorful wall painting or fresco of the sujaku (a red bird resembling a phoenix or pheasant), the only example in Japan, have attracted huge public interest over the years. Who on earth was entombed here remains one of the great mysteries. The real joy in history, however, is freeing your imagination and using it to fill in the gaps! Satoshi Narita, former Asuka Historical Museum curator, helps explain the frescos and other important aspects of the Kitora Tomb. The more you think and learn about the Kitora tumulus – such as ways of looking at the wall decorations – the more insights you gain, and the more interesting the whole subject becomes!


『naranara03 EXTRA もっと楽しいキトラ古墳!』は、奈良県明日香村にある、7世紀末~8世紀初頭につくられた墳丘型のお墓「キトラ古墳」を紹介する特別号です。1,300年の時を越え、地元の人々によって発見されたキトラ古墳。その石室内には現存する世界最古の「天文図」や、東西南北を守護する獣形の「四神」、獣頭人身の「十二支」の壁画が残されています。なかでも、日本で唯一の極彩色壁画の「朱雀」が発見されたことで、一躍脚光をあびました。しかし、被葬者が誰なのかなど、まだまだ解明されていない謎も数多くあります。そして、その謎について、自由に想像できるのが歴史の醍醐味。今回は飛鳥資料館の元学芸員である成田聖さんをナビゲーターにお迎えし、壁画の見方など、知れば知るほどもっと楽しくなるキトラ古墳をご紹介します。



Published March 2014

Published : Asuka Village + SEED’S CREATE Inc.

Editor in Chief : Nobuhiro Maeda (SEED’S CREATE Inc.)

Associate Editor : Kensuke Akashi (SEED’S CREATE Inc.)

Adviser : Satoshi Narita

Editorial Director & Contributing Editor : Tomomi Tada (MUESUM)

Contributing Editor : Miyuki Sakamoto (MUESUM)

Art Director & Designer : Yuma Harada (UMA/design farm)

Designer : UMA/design farm (Keisuke Yamazoe / Ryosuke Nishino / Haruka Kitamura)

Photographer : Yoshiro Masuda

Illustration: Tadashi Nishiwaki

Translator : Bob Heffill (Quest Japan Limited)

Printed: SEED’S CREATE Inc.



発行:明日香村 + 株式会社シーズクリエイト

編集長:前田展広( 株式会社シーズクリエイト)

副編集長:赤司研介( 株式会社シーズクリエイト)




アートディレクション:原田祐馬(UMA/design farm)

デザイン:山副佳祐/ 西野亮介/ 北村陽香 (UMA/design farm)



翻訳:Bob Heffill(Quest Japan Limited)


『good morning nara』is now ready !!
『good morning nara』が発行されました!!

goodmorningnara 1

You can download the entire『good morning nara』 in PDF format.

『good morning nara』の全ページPDFをダウンロードできます。




The publisher: Nara Prefecture

Cooperation with planning and editing: naranara


Editor in Chief : Nobuhiro Maeda (SEED’S CREATE Inc.)

Associate Editor : Kensuke Akashi (SEED’S CREATE Inc.)

Adviser : Yoko Matsumura (NARA SGG CLUB)

Editorial Director & Contributing Editor : Tomomi Tada (MUESUM)

Contributing Editor : MUESUM (Miyuki Sakamoto /

Ikuko Ashitaka / Sho Ishigaki )

Art Director & Designer : Yuma Harada (UMA/design farm)

Designer : UMA/design farm (Ryosuke Nishino / Yuka Tsuda /

Haruka Kitamura)

Photographer : Yoshiro Masuda / Kazuki Watanabe

Cover Photo: Madoka Akiyama

Illustration: Tadashi Nishiwaki

Translator : Bob Heffill (Quest Japan Limited)

Tourism Promotion Division (Tourism Industry Division from April 2014)

30 Noborioji-cho, Nara-shi 630-8501 TEL: 0742-27-8479

Published March 2014









アートディレクション:原田祐馬(UMA/design farm)

デザイン:西野亮介/津田祐果/北村陽香(UMA/design farm)




翻訳:Bob Heffill (Quest Japan Limited)

観光振興課(平成26 年度より観光産業課)

〒630-8501 奈良市登大路町30


2014 年3月発行

訂正のお知らせ Error correction

Naranara 03, uploaded on the 22 November 2013, contains an error;The regular holiday of the shop, Shirayuki yuzen fuukin cloth was wrong.We sincerely apologize to all those readers who have copies of naranara03 and kindly request you take note of this mistake.




Error Details


Shirayuki Fuukin Co. Ltd.


Closed:Mon. Should be Closed:Sun.








naranara03 is now ready !!



A year has already passed since publication of Issue 2. Whilst we’ve spent every day of the week wandering around Asuka, there will be many readers who are wondering what on earth we’ve been up to! It’s time to go to press. We’ve been building links with Asuka. Meeting people every day, talking to them, getting introductions and then going to meet those folk, talking to them … this has been going on for a whole year.


The number of overseas visitors to Asuka can almost be counted on one hand. There simply isn’t the infrastructure yet for welcoming individual travelers. Being able to introduce the unique attractions of Asuka to visitors, and providing opportunities for interesting encounters with the villagers, is great for the locals. To facilitate the development virtuous circles, there is a need to create ways, involving the locals, of welcoming and looking after visitors.


The specific actions which we’ve taken prior to this publication include support for groups with English-speaking guides, helping to develop English language tools which can be used by shops, shrines, and temples, providing information for starting up guest houses, and other coordination activities. Taking a year is rather too long, but during this time we’ve wandered around and bumped into people, and had growing opportunities to have a drink or two with them on the way.


We even received gifts of local vegetables. With this 3rd edition, which focuses on networking, we hope the attractions of Asuka, its history and culture, the four seasons, and most importantly exchanges with the special folk who live in Asuka, will develop and fresh energy will be injected into the area.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the more than 200 people who have devoted their precious time to help make the 3rd edition of naranara possible.


02号を発行してから早1 年が過ぎた。つまり1年間、毎日毎週、明日香村をうろついていたことになるわけだが、「1年もいったい何をしていたの?」という読者も少なくないだろうから、書いておこうと思う。一言で言うと、明日香村の人々との関係性づくりをしていたのである。毎日誰かに会い、話をし、紹介してもらい、会いに行き、話をし……を1年繰り返していたのだ。





